Promise for Tomorrow

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Business strategy

Business objective

  1. achieve business objective leading industry by securing professional business and skills
  2. keep building good and safe and lengthen the life of facility
  3. realize value that considers customers before anything else by cultivating core competence
  4. practice emotional management by understanding needs of customers in advance

  • 1. selecting appropriate number of workers
  • 2. efficient energy management
  • 3. prevention of building’s early aging
  • 4. systematic building maintenance
  • 5. execution of budget in a transparent way

  • 1. realization of accident free operation
  • 2. cultivation of workers with various functions and roles
  • 3. unification of planning-implementation-feedback
  • 4. standardization of building management
  • 5. strengthening of proactive protection inspection

  • 1. support for‘Customerz first’policy
  • 2. mandatory CS training for all employees
  • 3. strengthening of customer support service
  • 4. evaluation and improvement of customer satisfaction
  • 5. rapid handling customer’s inconveniences and complaints


Realization of seven tasks for value based management and maximization of business performance

01creation of academic atmosphere
Cultivation of knowledge among DW employees
and nurture of human resources
02practice of new value based management
Provision of differentiated service with creative
03practice of up-to-date technology management
Systematic management based on professional
technical skills
04making safety management a way of our lives
Establishment and management of customized
safety management system
05practice of energy saving
Spread of practice of energy saving throughout
the company
06customer satisfaction first
Understanding customer’s needs, Seeing things
from customer’s point of view
07practice of support for in-house welfare
Support for expansion of welfare for motivation

Motto of the company